Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day

The whole point of a blog is to be brutally honest right? Well..the first time I met Chad, I mean the very first moment, I knew that I wanted to have his babies! lol People ask me all the time how I knew he was the one and I tell them that from the beginning I knew that I didn't want to raise children with anyone else! (which btw is a scary feeling at first!) To the very core of his soul William Chad Pope is a lover. He loves with every part of his being and that has become even more obvious this past year while watching him with Lily. I remember the second he found out that we were pregnant, the light in his eyes..the care he took of me..being a Father is something he was born to do and it shows..The two of them..I just love the two of are some of my favorite photos from the past year..


                                            I love how she is looking at him in this one!!


I am blessed to have them in my life and everyday brings the greatest of joys!

Oh and shout out to my own Dad! Love you!! Happy Father's Day!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Things I love Thursday!

I LOVE running! I feel pretty crazy writing that considering I still kind of hate it too! haha I guess I just like the power of it..hitting the pavement and just going..freeing my mind..I think it helps to find the right music too because man, the right song can make you feel unstoppable! Right now I'm obsessed with the Britney Spears station on Pandora and today it was playing all my favorite songs! Plus I don't feel so guilty admitting that I freaking tore this thing up--------->

That right there is chocolate heaven..with a side of more heaven!

I LOVE So You Think You Can's my favorite Summer show, even though I will never be able to dance the way they do! I just love the stories behind the dances and will especially miss Mia Micheals this year because no one told stories better through dance than she did!

So beautiful! Plus I pretty much a girl crush on Lacey so..ha ha

Speaking of dancers..I wish God had made me Shakira!! lol That girl has serious moves, serious sex appeal, serious curves..she's just SERIOUS! haha I love the word SERIOUS! ;) and I LOVE this video

AND so far I LOVE the month of June!! We're home in Florida while Chad works on a job in Brandon so that means tons of family time! Tons of time that Lily gets to spend with her little cousins! I'm just grateful to be here! June is packed full of fun stuff too..My Mommas 60th birthday! Chad's first REAL Father's Day! Our first weekend without Lily(although that one makes me kinda sad too!) The chance to reconnect with old high school friends! Date nights! Girls nights!! Oh how I've missed BOTH of those! And SO much more!! Yeah I LOVE if we could just work on the temperature, geez!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

If I watch one more Disney movie..

I might just have to go too Disney World! :) You didn't seriously think I was going to say scream, did you? I love Disney movies(Cinderella is my favorite, Beauty & The Beast is a close second) and I have been waiting very patiently for Lily to actually pay attention to them, and you know what? She still doesn't..haha well not really but I have noticed her certain appreciation for a crab named Sebastian and this song:

She is quite the little dancer these days too and girl knows her stuff! She knows to dance for music and bob her head for rap music(thank her Dad for that one!) I guess I didn't make her listen to enough country in the womb because Johnny Cash has no effect on this baby! Johnny try not to roll over in your grave for that one! ;)

She also needs a helmet! I picked this one out today, what do you guys think?
Although I would have to add rhinestones for Princess P cause that is how she rolls!! haha All kidding aside she fell on one of the bolts in Chad's truck the other day..big ole knot on her head..enough to make me panic and say something like "She's gonna need emergency surgery!" Yeah I'm fairly certain Chad is gonna be the rational one in our house! lol 

Other than that..she has turned into a giant HAM BALL and I'm not referring to the massive amount of food she eats daily but how funny she is..I think she gets it from me! ;) I mean take this face for instance

Seriously try not to laugh out loud! Factor in this photo as well
That was all her doing! I took off her outfit so she could eat pizza and she refused to take off those shoes! lol Oh and the hat, she loved the bam there ya have it..22 pounds of classiness right there! Is classiness a word? lol

She has also found her inner girl..not that I had any doubt but she keeps putting on my shoes(although she really loves Chad's work boots!) taking the lip gloss of my lips for her own, putting anything with a strap over her shoulder like a purse and well telling all boys they are bad! haha My little Minnie me, she's pretty cool..I think I'll keep her after all! :)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Things I love Thursday!

Man that wine festival knocked me out a whole week? Geesh! It was tons of fun, and so good to see friends and family! Now getting right into this week..

                                                              I LOVE True Blood!
I have literally been counting down to June 26th since last season's an addiction..a sick, sick addiction! lol We're getting season 3 tomorrow so we can have a mini-refresher-marathon till it comes back on!! AAH can you feel the excitement? ;) I'm a slacker though in one area, and that is reading the Charlaine Harris novels..I need to get cracking, I mean I read the spoilers online anyways so I might as well get the back story! lol

I LOVE BOOKS! All books..I especially like books from the library..I guess it makes me a weirdo to admit that I love the smell of library books, but hey I can live with that! Recently, between school work I've started to read or reread Mitch Alboms Have a Little Faith (my pregnant brain couldn't keep up the first time!) I LOVE Mitch(so much that we are on a first name basis! haha) I have read every single one of his books and they are all amazing..Five People you Meet in Heaven(my favorite), Tuesday's with Morrie, and For One More far this book has made me laugh, cry, and really go within myself to think about faith, what it means, and especially what it means to me; and isn't that what makes a REALLY great book?

                         "But you can touch everything and be connected to nothing" that quote is so powerful..think about it..

I LOVE my fake wedding..haha and that someone signed me up to recieve TheKnot! I think they are trying to tell me something, I mean Chad! :) I've been obsessed with this magazine since it arrived and that might not be a good thing considering ain't no ring on this finga! I think I may need to call David Tuttera or Bridezillas..I'm not sure what category I'm going to fit into but I'm going with the cray cray one! haha

I asked Chad what else I loved and he said me! :) You know he's totally right..I do love him on Thursdays! ;)