Somebody has to be blamed for this teething mess and I vote her! Today's post was going to be about the awesome Zoo we visited here in Omaha but the real world creeped in instead...
I could see it in her eyes first, the glossy pain stained baby blues that reached out to me as if she was saying fix me and broke my heart because in reality there wasn't much I could do. So I held her warm body against mine recalling the moment after she was born in the hospital when they layed her on my chest, both of us running fevers and just praying that it would pass. I'm pretty sure the Doctor thinks I'm crazy by the way considering that I've called her 3 times already "Are you sure teething can make her have such high fevers?" "Yes Ms. Philipsen I'm sure" Well what do you know Dr. who attended school for this!? My baby is dying, she told me so during her three hour cry fest last night. See that's the side of Motherhood not too many people tell you about the one that isn't just rainbows and giggles, it's more about lying motionless so that she doesn't wake back up and sleeping with one eye open just in case..It's praying that the next time she bites down on your nipple it won't hurt as bad and hoping that she doesn't throw it back up again..It's feeling guilty because as much as you wish love could make her feel better it just doesn' helps but doesn't take the pain away and as a mom that's the worse feeling! It's taking turns bouncing her in the dark, singing every song in your repertoire hoping you'll land on one that will calm her down(Smile is what works for us).
Smile though your heart is aching, well we're trying today to do just that...I did get a great big ol laugh when I stubbed my toe this morning maybe it was the recognition that we were now in pain together..that or me being in pain is funny! note to self: stub other toe...You know the kicker in this whole teething mess is that those cute little top teeth that we're waiting on haven't even showed their ugly heads yet(after two days of relentless pain and suffering and I'm just referring to myself! lol) So that brings me again to the idea of punching the tooth fairy..either that or I'm going to invest in baby seriously...
great job Tip I esp love the bit about going through every song in the baby repertoire :) I can remember that like it wasn't 14 years ago and I miss it. PS maybe there's a connection for your Lily and Chaplin he was possibly born a gypsy and traveled alot when very young plus he liked physical comedy (stubbed toe)??! Just a thought!