Monday, May 9, 2011

EVERYday is Mother's Day!

I wrote this 3months before I found out that I too would become a mother..I found it today and after having the best Mother's Day yesterday I thought I would share it again! :)

I remember when I was little my mother was just the beautiful woman who kissed my boo boos, read me bedtime stories, and made sure that when I was sick I had plenty of chicken noodle soup. I loved her then as only little kids can; with amazement and awe of the big person...She was my mommy and mother's day consisted of macaroni and glitter picture frames, handmade cards and with a little of dad's help a nice necklace! =} It wasn't always the easiest household to live in but you would never know that by looking at my mother..she has these eyes that bring you happiness just by looking at them and as a girl I wanted nothing but to grow up and be just like her; I still do. As I turned into a teenager she became someone who I often misunderstood..fought with..rebelled I'm guessing most teenagers did, at least I hope! I stopped seeing her as my mommy and began seeing her as someone who didn't understand me, someone who even though I loved she just didn't get it. Mother's day was hallmark cards at best, and selfishly I hate to admit, I didn't try hard to make her feel appreciated on that day. Its funny when you look back on those times how often you forgot about the moments where she listened to stories about your first crush, like it was her own..then held you when you cried for three hours after it didn't work out, laughed the first time you got drunk with your friends, and helped you into the bathroom for the after the way she patiently allowed you to discover yourself even though you drove her nuts and how she just loved you through every moment you said you hated her...its funny how you forget...My mother has always been my best friend, it just took me years to figure it what I'll call my "adult years" I've come to learn how strong my mother really is, how amazing she tried to make my childhood, how she always put herself first..I no longer take for granted the moments I have with her, the days when she makes me laugh for no reason, the way her hug feels and how many times she's just been there..She taught me how to smile when things got rough, that when I love I should give my all, I can talk to strangers like nobodies business just like my mother does, how to pray when I needed guidance, to see the good in people, I see myself strong and beautiful because my mother does...she's an angel, she is all heart and soul..I can't really put into words the things my mother has done for me or continues to I'll always need she'll always be my mommy..its part of what motherhood is about I guess..This mothers day I don't know what to get her..I wish I could go back to the macaroni days...the silly class project that brought tears to my Mommy's eyes, that stayed on the fridge for years...that no hallmark card can touch...I wish there was such a gift to show your mother how deeply you really do appreciate and love her...cause I know that one day I'll hold a hand, thin and barely recognizable and remember all the mothers days, all the times she pushed me on the swing, curled my hair, came to all my practices, loved me...and smiled at my macaroni magic like it was the Sistine Chapel...To all the mothers, to my mother, to the women who nurture children who are not their the women who want to be mothers..thank you, and I hope your mothers day is filled with kindergarten project magic! the magic that makes you and your mother realize just how lucky you are to have one another!
I can only hope that I am half the mom to Lily that my Mother is to me!

1 comment:

  1. From everything I've seen so far, you are already there Tiffany. Just do the best you can because she already has your love. Happy first Mother's Day to you! L, Carol
