-I swear I heard that on the mall speaker today..or maybe I just made up in my head either way, it seems fitting! :)
I would really like to go on a vacation; people always roll their eyes when I say that considering the assumption is that Chad and I are constantly on one but, seriously...as blessed as our life is (especially because of how many awesome places we've been too) I would still love to lie in a hammock somewhere on a secluded beach, drink in hand, and just relax! I think it has to do with the rush of the holiday season, it seems that no matter how hard you try not to get overwhelmed..you just do sometimes. Between shopping(which by the way I am still not done despite my best efforts to start early! I even went on Black Friday, dang it!) Christmas,birthday,work, friend parties (throw in the occasional wedding or engagement shindig and you hit the December mother load)shopping again, cooking, cleaning, family obligations, it's just go, go, go!! I don't want to sound as if I am complaining because to be honest I LOVE this time of year, I even love the craziness of it and I REALLY love being home in Tampa(although I miss my Winston fam too!)..where I get overwhelmed is in my attempts to make this Christmas perfect for Lily. As a parent it truly takes on a whole new meaning and Chad and I have both strived to really make sure we create traditions, memories for her to the best of our ability. And, you know what? I really think it will be, perfect I mean..because in six days we will get to watch our little girl as she opens up her gifts, and I will more than likely cry/smile/laugh/cry the entire time and I cannot wait; her face will certainly make up for all the crazy this month brings!
But seriously..who wouldn't want to be someplace like this?
I need to picture this the next time I have to wait in an hour long line just to leave the mall~
6 days till Christmas!!
To get ya in the spirit, another one of my favorite Christmas songs...
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