I had a great pregnancy! The stuff of dreams really and I realize that some of you may roll your eyes at that one mostly because it seems with all the women I've talked too that it was quite the opposite. I was never sick and well..I really loved being pregnant! Loved my body, loved watching it change, loved knowing that no matter where I was I was never alone(like a built in partner in crime)and well I really loved HER from the get go..pregnancy changed me, but shouldn't it? I mean the second that little stick came back positive I just knew I would never be the same. I guess that should come as no surprise to the ones who really know me, I've always wanted to be a mother and I couldn't have been more blessed with the most amazing child(who came from the most amazing love I've ever known!)
The last month of my pregnancy as I've said before was a little rough, in the sense that Chad was in New Jersey and I was Winston(long distance is rough for anyone but add in a pregnancy and I mean seriously?!)But 40 weeks to the T, on our estimated due date(April 24th) my water broke! 5:30 in the morning I waddled on over to Bill and Robin's room(thinking I had peed my pants at first) and made the announcement! lol I then called Chad who asked me the best question ever!! " Well what does that mean?" "Um, maybe you should drive home" haha I'll never forget that as long as I live, nor will he live it down!Robin and I got to the hospital at 10:30 per the Doctor's orders because although my water broke I still had no contractions..they ended up putting me on pitocin around 3pm, which worked out perfect because that was the exact time Chad got there..That period of time was kind of a blur because I was so overwhelmed with happiness that Chad was home yet I was also in labor! lol I know this sounds crazy but my contractions weren't that bad, maybe I expected them to be so much worse who knows...either way I asked for the epidural around 9pm which wasn't what I expected..it was such an intense pressure, more so than the contractions..different but SOO worth it! I remember starving at this point, I remember the nurse who accidentally kicked the cord on the fetal monitor and unplugged it..which was scary because up until that point Lily had been kicking away and Courtney and I just looking at each other like Oh God! I remember that same nurse apologizing so profusely that she broke out in tears..I remember laying on my side and praying, talking to Lily, praying again and thinking to myself that for some one about to give birth I sure was calm! lol I remember the hours ticking away on the clock and being exhausted yet exhilarated..ready..Did I mention starving? haha I remember the Doctor's saying I was the best pusher ever! Can I get a medal for that I wonder? How the only real time I was in pain came when she was pushing through the birth canal and how Courtney told me she thought I would be screaming! I remember throwing up(dang popsicles) and her head popping out..which prompted the Doc to ask if I could do it again..UM NO! haha BTW that is Chad's favorite story to tell..me and grape popsicles!! :) I remember Chad and the beautiful way he supported me, I can't even describe it! Robin who was a life saver! Courtney who made me laugh..my great Doctor Whitley who was amazing..thank goodness my original Doctor couldn't make delivery because she was awesome! BUT most of all I remember 4:30 am when I heard that first cry, saw her face, held her close on my chest..watched as the nurses tended to my girl, kissed Chad both of us in tears, Robin and Courtney and the love on their faces..I remember how overwhelmed I was with love, nothing I'd ever felt..I remember nursing her for the first time as she looked up at me as if to say "I'm here" and just crying because she was so beautiful...I remember hearing them say I was running a fever, being so cold that I couldn't stop shivering, I remember craving chocolate like crazy and requesting a box of O' Charley rolls(Chad, he's awesome and got them asap) I remember them taking her and missing her like something serious..I remember settling down in the room with her and watching my two loves snuggle each other..24 hours later...beyond exhausted but too in love to sleep! I am sure there are some things about my labor that I have forgotten because well..your kind of busy! lol I do know that I had an amazing labor, I had an amazing support team, and I'm so grateful because here I am a year later and I'm still so in love, if not more so with my two Popes..we've come along way since last year and everyday I know just how blessed I am!
I love that she's sneaking a peek...watching over us..because she's definitely our little angel!
It's hard for me to believe that she was ever that little..I will never forget holding her in my arms for the first time and I know Chad won't either..it's just an indescribable feeling and I'm not even sure that I conveyed them in her birth story the way I wanted too...words will never do justice to the way I felt that day, the way I feel everyday just by looking at her...Happy Birthday Lily Anne Pope I love you so much!
I really love this!! Tip you are amazing!