Tuesday, April 5, 2011

An adventure on the horizon...


The year's at the spring,
And day's at the morn;
Morning's at seven;
The hill-side's dew-pearl'd;
The lark's on the wing;
The snail's on the thorn;
God's in His heaven--
All's right with the world!
Robert Browning

                This is her "Your picking me up right, you know I don't like dirt right?" face! :)

 Sweets and I went on a walk with her Daddy yesterday to visit Dr. Kelly's horses, which I'm pretty sure she is convinced are just REALLY big dogs!

                  Those two..well they make my heart melt!

I love taking walks in this weather, when the sun shines and the wind blows all at the same time..it just seems magical! I remember my last month of pregnancy, I took walks everyday to clear my head, stay hormonally balanced( is there such a thing? lol) and sometimes just to cry(come to think of it a few of our neighbors might think I'm crazy.) Chad was working in New Jersey literally up until the last minute and that last month was rough for me..yet being outside, in the fresh air, fresh air that smelled like roses(My mother always told me the random smell of roses in the air means the Blessed Mother is near) made me feel safe, comforted...Now we take walks as a family, the same wind flowing through my hair and  I feel those same emotions. Thankful that the Spring air is back to remind me just how far I've come, to remind me that Spring now means the birth of my child, becoming a mother, the change that took place on April 25th and how grateful I am to take walks as a mother; to just be her mother...

Chad picked up our new house today...that sounds so funny right? I've always said that we have a home, we just don't have a house to put it in...WELL now we do, sorta! :) This means a new life has begun for us, the RV life! It will definitely take some getting used too that's for sure, but I think this really is the right move for us as a family. Staying in hotels has it's advantages but at the same time we want Lily to have some structure, her own space..heck we want our own space! The RV life...I think I might have to say that outloud a few more times before it becomes really REAL...life is so funny isn't it? I joked with Chad the other night that he rescued me from the trailer park and I ended up at the RV park! lol Some women like fancy things, I prefer adventure and I have no doubt in my mind that this will be one!


  1. I just love you! Your amazing!!!!! :)

  2. Congrats on the RV -- that's exciting!! This post is awesome and that picture of Lily with all the flowers is gorg!
