We've been going full speed since we pulled into Whispering Wind Dr. (I love that name, it's heavenly & so fitting for Spring!) Driving here felt like going to Disney World, we were like two little kids(plus one real one) who couldn't wait on any longer to ride Splash Mountain. When we hit Kentucky it was like the gates of heaven opened up! The sun shone brighter, the air felt crisper and man I didn't even know it was possible to fall in love with grass till then but I did;it's just so green or blue since it's Kentucky after all! I love Spring! I can't say that enough and realize I have a few times already! :) North Carolina is my home. I think that might be the first real time I've said that, made it real, official, because deep down I've always longed for Florida's sunny weather...but I don't belong there anymore, my world, my life and more importantly my heart resides in a little place called Pffaftown and after what felt like an eternity in nowhere ville I am so happy to be home!

It saddens me to report there are no men in tights living in this neighborhood(at least in public!) :)
We went and visited AnMamma yesterday where Lily taught her to play the pick up game!
And there it goes!
:) She loves that game!
They also looked through baby books because A: Lily loves babies and I'm convinced she thinks she's a grownup! and B: So we could all gaze in amazement once again how much Lily and Chad look alike!
Mostly we just basked in the great-grandchild love our baby received and realized that Dorothy was right there really is no place like home! (even if your only there for a week!) :)
All that and a little bit of hair touch up by my awesomely amazing Sista in law! The BLONDE is BACK in TOWN!
This picture is for Julie who's Alien hair experiment I put online awhile back! LOVE YOU!!
Oh and you Floridians don't you fret!! TAMPA is and always will be in my heart!! I am so excited to get back and see each and every one of you...and go too the beach! ;)
Tip I love you!! I'm glad you've left the frozen wasteland. Now get your butt and that baby back FL already!! ;))