Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Lily Lately

Oh my sweet La La..she sure is a crazy one!I personally have no clue where she gets that from by the way! ;) I love that kid and she grows funnier little social butterfly who today tried to share her pickle with everyone at Publix and flirted with the deli guy..who turns off the TV or changes the channel(she really likes Telemundo) Who runs around the house saying Pop or AnMa..or her new favorite word(bad) poor Chaos he hears that a lot!Who has started to dance and sing into a microphone(okay so maybe she doesn't sing per say but it's still super cute!) Who surprises me everyday with how much she's changing, becoming a toddler;something which I've denied till now! My La La who makes me happier than I could ever put into words..

She recently discovered the water hose and can I just tell you that it was probably the funniest thing I have ever seen in my whole life!

Little genius figured it out! :)

She has also learned to give kisses..or as we Popes call it "Suga" and boy does she ever!! haha She loves dem babies..

                                         I love Teddy's face in this one like "She did it again!" lol
Her and Sicilia were just the cutest little things that day!
What can I say..she's affectionate! :)

I also love the faces she makes..I show you this talk about another..

It's my favorite, I think I've said that before!

Unfortunately I wasn't able to catch this particular face on film but for the last week and a half she has been walking around with her front teeth out(picture a bulldog) and I had no clue where she got it from..until Chad told me his Papa used to make that face all the time! Today is his birthday...I never met him but the stories I've heard really make me wish that I's his birthday and two weeks ago was the two year anniversary of my Grandmother's death so I have been thinking a lot about legacy today.. Legacy is defined by Webter's Dictionary as "amount of money or gift left to someone in a will" or "something handed down from the past and from an ancestor" I think I like the second better because that is what I want for Lily..  I want her to know about her Great Grandparents and I want to tell her how much we miss them, what they were like..I want her to know them, and I wish they were here to know her..But then moments like her little face pop up and I'm reminded that they are her..everyday and I hope they all know how much I appreciate them looking after her and how much we really do miss them! So in closing I want to wish Mr. Erskine Lee Pope a very Happy Birthday!
Wasn't he handsome!

and to tell those Sicilian/Irish lovers Irene and Larry that I don't just name ducks after them..I think about them everyday and I miss them..
I see the three of you in Lily everyday..the humor, the grace, the funny faces, and in Irene's case the bossiness! lol Just kidding Grams!! ;) AND I promise to teach all the things you taught us and to show her how much she's loved from here to you..always!

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