In the words of Taylor Swift "All you are is mean"
I watched the VMA's Sunday night, and at first wasn't going to post anything about it(mostly because I am semi-embarrassed I even watched it, considering that MTV isn't a music channel anymore) but this morning I woke up and read an article where an artist was attacked via Twitter and the Internet because she was in their opinions "fat" or as one person put it " look at her fat ass in that dress". That artist is Demi Lovato and here is the picture they are referring too
Personally, I think she looks great, HEALTHY!! & one of the best dressed females of the night especially if you take into account that one of the more popular females came as well..a male! lol What infuriates me most though is that this young woman just got out of rehab and not because she joined the ever growing ranks of celebs on drugs but because she had an eating disorder, because she loathed her appearance so much she began cutting herself, and let the world influence who she was. That this young woman, just so like so many of us struggled with her ability to separate what the world saw as perfect and the person inside of us who already is!! She gave up her hit TV show, her life for four months to get herself together and heal and the second she does people criticize her for it! Baffling to say the least, that a majority of the ones attacking her were women! The fact that so many women take pride in cutting each other down still amazes me! I am not perfect by any means, I know that I have made careless remarks regarding females in the past but I can truly say that I try VERY hard not to let my mouth get the best of me because I too have been on the opposite end of that equation! However, there have been times out of anger that I have lashed out and called someone who directly affected me fat or ugly..and in those cases I have always felt very ashamed because as I stated above I know what it is like to be called names, any name and it hurts! I love women, I celebrate them, which is why I seem to have so many girl crushes! lol I wrote an entire blog about them because well..I am tired of people using the Internet to bash people they know, bash the people they don' is sick and disturbing and makes me really sad! We should spend more time focusing on the good, more time focusing on the fact that healthy is beautiful and that you don't have to be a stick figure with giant boobs in order to be attractive! I also have a daughter, a beautiful daughter who will grow up one day and face these types of critics..and she will know how beautiful she is whether she is 100 pounds or a 1,000 but if she doesn't, if she doubts..ever can believe that I will do anything it takes to make her see that beauty isn't what you see on the outside but within..She will know that she can be anything, do anything and that she is strong, worthy, and fully loved!She will be taught that making fun of someone for any reason is unacceptable and she will be taught kindness..I wish the people calling Demi Lovato fat, or any person for that matter had parents who simply taught them that....
I love this video from be honest before it came out she was someone I had simply read about in magazines as I'm no longer considered a "teeny-bopper" and could care less what Jonas brother she is dating...HOWEVER, I admire her bravery, her vulnerability which can all be found in this it sends a pretty good message to the haters! :)
1 Thessalonians 5:11:
Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
I would much rather spend the rest of my days building someone up, rather than tearing them down...because in the end it isn't worth it, and you only hurt yourself with the negativity! The truth we are as we should be, there is NO perfect person, weight, gender, sex etc remember that next time you open your mouth to criticize could be the person who brightens their day, or in some cases saves their life!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Things I love Thursday! MOVIE edition!
I LOVE movies although even that might be an understatement! Between movies and music I am not sure which I love more but if I truly fall in love with a movie it is almost guaranteed that I will watch it over and over again, learn/quote every line and it will become a part of my life! Plus if I do say so myself ( and I do) I happen to be pretty impressive when it comes to movie trivia..So this Things I love Thursday is all about my favorite movies!
My top ten!
1. Dirty Dancing: Seriously, I watched this movie so many times in a row when I was little that my parents hid it on me in hopes that I might take a break! lol I now own four copies so that never happens again! :) My favorite scene(although who doesn't love it?!)
Oh and p.s I am super pissed that they are re-making this movie AGAIN!! Why can't Hollywood come up with new material?
2. Grease: I love everything about this movie and it certainly was another one I watched a ridiculous amount of times! Plus how hot was Olivia Newton John? You thought I was gonna say John Travolta didn't you?! ;)
3. Willow!!!! I can not say enough how totally awesome this movie is and how it deserves way more credit then it is given! It introduced me to my sweet Mad Martigan(Val Kilmer) who I might add was and still my only real crush! (MadMartigan, though Val is pretty cute too)! Plus I could have played that baby, because when I was little I looked just like that..all the way down to the red curly hair! (Got baby pictures to prove it!)
4. The Princess Bride: I realize this should be higher on my list maybe because it is just so fantastic!! I mean I could quote this movie for days there are just so many fabulous lines! Watching this movie never gets old, it cracks me up every time without fail and I believe everyone should have a love like Westley and Princess Buttercup! Oh and I pretty much quote this part of the movie to the point of annoyance! lol
5. The Sound of Music: Wow! Where do I begin on this one? Julie Andrews & her amazing voice, the music alone is worth it being in anyones' top ten list! Or the historical part of the movie, the real family behind it, the time period! Captain Von Trapp and his hotness(wonderfully played by Christopher Plummer) or with the sheer beauty that is Salzburg, Austria?! I love it all and I cannot get enough of this movie and thanks to my amazing Mother in law and the AMAZING(can I say that again?) box set she got for my birthday I won't have too!
6. From Here to Eternity: First off..the beach scene between Burt Lancaster and Deborah Kerr HELLO!! can you say classic? The cast of this movie is superb Burt, Deborah, Montgomery Clift, Ernest Borgnine and Frank Sinatra to name a I love that the legend surrounding the movie is that Frank got the part based on his mafia connections alone!
7. BRAVEHEART: This movie stirs up so many emotions for me and maybe that is why I love it so much! From happiness, to sadness, to all out anger I just react to this film..the ending especially, gets me every time! Mel Gibson(pre-meltdown) did a fantastic job with this movie..the cast, the setting love for this one runs deep! Which is why I cannot just pick one scene from it but this is a beautiful collage...
I could go on and on but I figured the top ten would suffice! :) What are some of your favorites?
My top ten!
1. Dirty Dancing: Seriously, I watched this movie so many times in a row when I was little that my parents hid it on me in hopes that I might take a break! lol I now own four copies so that never happens again! :) My favorite scene(although who doesn't love it?!)
Oh and p.s I am super pissed that they are re-making this movie AGAIN!! Why can't Hollywood come up with new material?
2. Grease: I love everything about this movie and it certainly was another one I watched a ridiculous amount of times! Plus how hot was Olivia Newton John? You thought I was gonna say John Travolta didn't you?! ;)
3. Willow!!!! I can not say enough how totally awesome this movie is and how it deserves way more credit then it is given! It introduced me to my sweet Mad Martigan(Val Kilmer) who I might add was and still my only real crush! (MadMartigan, though Val is pretty cute too)! Plus I could have played that baby, because when I was little I looked just like that..all the way down to the red curly hair! (Got baby pictures to prove it!)
4. The Princess Bride: I realize this should be higher on my list maybe because it is just so fantastic!! I mean I could quote this movie for days there are just so many fabulous lines! Watching this movie never gets old, it cracks me up every time without fail and I believe everyone should have a love like Westley and Princess Buttercup! Oh and I pretty much quote this part of the movie to the point of annoyance! lol
5. The Sound of Music: Wow! Where do I begin on this one? Julie Andrews & her amazing voice, the music alone is worth it being in anyones' top ten list! Or the historical part of the movie, the real family behind it, the time period! Captain Von Trapp and his hotness(wonderfully played by Christopher Plummer) or with the sheer beauty that is Salzburg, Austria?! I love it all and I cannot get enough of this movie and thanks to my amazing Mother in law and the AMAZING(can I say that again?) box set she got for my birthday I won't have too!
6. From Here to Eternity: First off..the beach scene between Burt Lancaster and Deborah Kerr HELLO!! can you say classic? The cast of this movie is superb Burt, Deborah, Montgomery Clift, Ernest Borgnine and Frank Sinatra to name a I love that the legend surrounding the movie is that Frank got the part based on his mafia connections alone!
7. BRAVEHEART: This movie stirs up so many emotions for me and maybe that is why I love it so much! From happiness, to sadness, to all out anger I just react to this film..the ending especially, gets me every time! Mel Gibson(pre-meltdown) did a fantastic job with this movie..the cast, the setting love for this one runs deep! Which is why I cannot just pick one scene from it but this is a beautiful collage...
Ahh even the music gives me chills!
8. Pride and Prejudice: Although I can appreciate both the old and the new film(along with just loving Jane Austen in particular) it happens to be the film with Keira Knightley that I love the most! This is one case where a remake worked out and the entire movie is just beautiful, beautiful beautiful!!!
9. Singing in the Rain: Here is the thing I grew up watching and loving old movies and it was really hard for me to pick between this one and West Side Story BUT my love for Gene won out! :) This movie just makes me happy! Plus I am a firm believer in singing in the rain so..yeah I love this film despite the fact that some of the sequences make no sense at all! lol
10. Tombstone: This movie just ROCKS plain and simple! Plus it stars some of my favorite people Kurt Russell, Sam Elliot and you guessed it Val(Doc! Swoon)! Full of great one liners which can be found in this video
I could go on and on but I figured the top ten would suffice! :) What are some of your favorites?
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Courtney came to play!
As promised the photos from our fabulous weekend with Ms. Courtney Pope!
I love dem Popes!
Aunt Ca-CA cracks her up..and the fact that she says Courtney's name like that cracks ME up! :)
We had so much fun at the water park, especially because this time we actually got to ride all the rides! lol Plus have I mentioned Lily really LOVES water! She even debued a new face, one that I have to get on camera because it is the funniest thing!
I LOVE this one!
There are way more photos but these are a few of my favorites! It was definitely nice having her here, getting that sense of home and we truly enjoyed her company! Now who is visiting next? :)
I love dem Popes!
Aunt Ca-CA cracks her up..and the fact that she says Courtney's name like that cracks ME up! :)
We had so much fun at the water park, especially because this time we actually got to ride all the rides! lol Plus have I mentioned Lily really LOVES water! She even debued a new face, one that I have to get on camera because it is the funniest thing!
I LOVE this one!
There are way more photos but these are a few of my favorites! It was definitely nice having her here, getting that sense of home and we truly enjoyed her company! Now who is visiting next? :)
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Photos and 15 things...
This weekend was glorious,Chad's sister came into town and we had so much fun! I promise to post all the pics tomorrow, since Chad has the other camera anyways..But today I did want to post some I have been waiting so long for, Lily's first birthday session. We took the pictures back in May but because of our busy traveling schedule, and Fed Ex screwing up the photographers shipments we finally got them this weekend when Courtney came! YAY! Here are some of my favorites..courtesy of the lovely Mrs. Chezley Royster!
I cannot even begin to describe how amazingly happy she makes whole existence!
love, LOVE, love them
See what I mean? I have a gazillion photos just like this..I thought for sure we were going to need a hose afterwards but hey..gotta love a girl who eats! :) One last one..
Chad didn't really want to take photos that day, since the pictures were part first bday/part Mother's day gift but we snuck him in two times! :) I just love this one! :)
Titled 15 things you should do before having kids, and not to brag(okay to brag) I have done just about everything on that list with the exception of two: flying first class and wine tasting at a vineyard, but I will one day..road trip(check) LOTS of em actually! lol Laying in bed all day watching movies(check)Chad and I used to that every Sunday, naked (truly surprised Lily didn't come sooner lol) we'd get Chili's, rent movies off the TV and just relax! Boozy lunches with double check..Tijuana Flats/Cheesecake factory/Acropolis/Peabodys are just a few of our favorite spots! Skydiving(check) and would love to do it again! The list goes on but my favorite is this part "Appreciate the bathroom-alone, seriously revel in the aloneness" ha ha so true...I haven't been to the bathroom all by myself in I don't know how long especially since I am home with Lily all day! Her little blue eyes just a'staring, handing me barbie sized pieces of toilet paper..As much as I miss going to the bathroom alone, I can honestly say after reading that list I realized just how blessed I wonderful my life really is, and that in part is due to the people in it!! So for all of you that have been with me on my journey,supported me, and loved me I truly thank you! Although, there are still some things I would like to check off my own bucket list, I know that I can and will get to those things..What is on your list?
I know that I mentioned this before the day after we took the photos..although our intentions were to create a full on cake smash, Ms. Lily had other plans..why ruin a good cake was her motto! She was so dainty with it, that I actually had to rip part of the cake so she would play with
See what I mean? I have a gazillion photos just like this..I thought for sure we were going to need a hose afterwards but hey..gotta love a girl who eats! :) One last one..

So today I read this article on
Titled 15 things you should do before having kids, and not to brag(okay to brag) I have done just about everything on that list with the exception of two: flying first class and wine tasting at a vineyard, but I will one day..road trip(check) LOTS of em actually! lol Laying in bed all day watching movies(check)Chad and I used to that every Sunday, naked (truly surprised Lily didn't come sooner lol) we'd get Chili's, rent movies off the TV and just relax! Boozy lunches with double check..Tijuana Flats/Cheesecake factory/Acropolis/Peabodys are just a few of our favorite spots! Skydiving(check) and would love to do it again! The list goes on but my favorite is this part "Appreciate the bathroom-alone, seriously revel in the aloneness" ha ha so true...I haven't been to the bathroom all by myself in I don't know how long especially since I am home with Lily all day! Her little blue eyes just a'staring, handing me barbie sized pieces of toilet paper..As much as I miss going to the bathroom alone, I can honestly say after reading that list I realized just how blessed I wonderful my life really is, and that in part is due to the people in it!! So for all of you that have been with me on my journey,supported me, and loved me I truly thank you! Although, there are still some things I would like to check off my own bucket list, I know that I can and will get to those things..What is on your list?
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Things I love Thursday!!
I LOVE this song!!
It is obvious that my obsession with all things Miranda Lambert runs deep! I love that she is part-time sanging with this group(and yes, I do mean sAnging!) These chicks are my new favorites! I love their vocals and I REALLY love the old country influences in their lyrics! I seriously can not get this song out of my head and I cannot wait for their record to come out!
I LOVE Betsey Johnson!!!
Can you believe this woman just turned 69? Yeah, neither can I! I love her spunk, her vivaciousness, and her ability to make even the punkiest outfits look swirly, twirly gum drop girly! That's right I just made up my own words, you can do that when talking about Betsey! :) The very first "expensive" thing that I bought myself was an ice cream cone decorated Betseyville purse..okay to be fair I got it for $36.00 at TJ Maxx but still, I was 20 and had just started to really make money so it counts! :) I went on to purchase a few more purses, jewelry etc along with probably my favorite thing in the world..This overnight/carry-on/purse/wonderment!!
Well mine has a green colored MM face but it is my favorite...or was I should say!! :( The zipper broke, and it sits in the closet at home..I can't and won't throw it out..and I seriously need to get the zipper fixed if possible because well..I really FREAKING love that thing! Plus I would really like to give it too Lily one day..seeing that I know she will love both Betsey and Marilyn the way I do..and the fact that it just so happened to be my hospital bag(that's right I roll in style, green Forsyth gown be dammed!!) If all else fails..Christmas is coming up, and I hear they have this in pink! ;)
I LOVE this show!!
Okay well it hasn't started yet but I can't freaking is the thing..before reality shows, the drama happened on daytime TV..Luke and Laura, Stefano kidnapping Hope for the umpteenth time, and tons more!! lol I have only ever watched Days of Our Lives and General Hospital..although lately it has just been GH..When I was little I had surgery on my knee(story for another time) and was home for almost a month from school, so I started watching Days with my became "our" thing(along with wrestling, again another story) and even still we will call to catch each other up on what happened! Anyways..September 25th on E! DIRTY SOAP premieres and I cannot wait because it stars some of my all time favorites! Kirsten Storms, Kelly Monaco,& Nadia Bjorlin
I especially like the tag line-they've been "bitches, saints and whores" So true, E! so true! lol
It is obvious that my obsession with all things Miranda Lambert runs deep! I love that she is part-time sanging with this group(and yes, I do mean sAnging!) These chicks are my new favorites! I love their vocals and I REALLY love the old country influences in their lyrics! I seriously can not get this song out of my head and I cannot wait for their record to come out!
I LOVE Betsey Johnson!!!
Can you believe this woman just turned 69? Yeah, neither can I! I love her spunk, her vivaciousness, and her ability to make even the punkiest outfits look swirly, twirly gum drop girly! That's right I just made up my own words, you can do that when talking about Betsey! :) The very first "expensive" thing that I bought myself was an ice cream cone decorated Betseyville purse..okay to be fair I got it for $36.00 at TJ Maxx but still, I was 20 and had just started to really make money so it counts! :) I went on to purchase a few more purses, jewelry etc along with probably my favorite thing in the world..This overnight/carry-on/purse/wonderment!!

I LOVE this show!!
Okay well it hasn't started yet but I can't freaking is the thing..before reality shows, the drama happened on daytime TV..Luke and Laura, Stefano kidnapping Hope for the umpteenth time, and tons more!! lol I have only ever watched Days of Our Lives and General Hospital..although lately it has just been GH..When I was little I had surgery on my knee(story for another time) and was home for almost a month from school, so I started watching Days with my became "our" thing(along with wrestling, again another story) and even still we will call to catch each other up on what happened! Anyways..September 25th on E! DIRTY SOAP premieres and I cannot wait because it stars some of my all time favorites! Kirsten Storms, Kelly Monaco,& Nadia Bjorlin
I especially like the tag line-they've been "bitches, saints and whores" So true, E! so true! lol
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Today I don't feel like doing anything..
I have that Bruno Mars song stuck in my head and for good reason because today I really don't feel like doing a DARN thing! But I guess that is what Sundays are for eh? I think if it were raining(like it has been for the last week) I would be passed out somewhere but..instead I am going to play catch up...This weekend consisted of us being lazy and well lazy..with a side of lazy! :) Although we did go to Burns Park yesterday..that counts! Since we are getting our puppy in a few days we wanted to go and check out the dog park there...I know you're thinking "it is just a dog park" BUT the one at Burns is 2,000 acres!! It is like doggy heaven and I cannot wait to take Cash there! The dog park is not the only thing cool about Burns Park, this place is huge with tons of playgrounds(one is shaped like a space-ship), hiking, biking and horseback riding trails, a soccer & baseball field, RV park, an amusement park AND a covered bridge!! Now I will let you in on a little secret, I am OBSESSED with covered bridges!! Don't ask me why, but I just think they are the most beautiful things! So rustic, so old world, there is just something about them I really love..Add a baby in a jean dress with Dorothy shoes and this momma is in heaven! :) Here a few pictures..oh and p.s I forgot my good camera at home, but if you ask me that little droid of mine isn't half bad!


And a few from the playground..
She LOVES slides! She actually cried when we were leaving!
My little LALA! <3
This week ahead will be quite exciting as we are anticipating two very important arrivals-Cash and Aunt Courtney! But for now I think I might just take a nap..I do have a sound machine afterall! ;)
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Things I love Thursday!
I LOVE this dog!
Which is a good thing because in just a few more days he will fully belong to us! His name right now at the moment is gorgeous George but our plan is to call him Cash(as in Johnny Cash) but he is gorgeous right?! :) We are getting him from an awesome breeder, Pirates Den Cane Corso based out of Wilmington, North Carolina & working with Jennifer is why I am so in love with this dog, well that and the first time I saw his picture his little face said "I'm yours" ! I have never had that reaction before with a dog, I have always been a cat person but this little guy well I love him; I always told my parents I would own a horse one day! lol So so so excited, and Lily too..I show her his picture everyday, and not only does she say Cash but she points to herself because she knows it is her dog! Smart girl that one! :) Okay one more picture of Cash with his brother and sister (He is the one on the left)
P.s thanks to Matt Engleheart for these photos! :)

I LOVE thunderstorms!!!
Even though sometimes they scare the ever loving daylights out of me, I still find them so peaceful-ironic right? lol It fascinates me that something as dangerous as lightning can be so beautiful at the same time..the way it skids across the water, or crackles in the sky-magical every time! Oh and the sound of rain, who doesn't love the sound of rain? Sleeping in the rain=AhMaZing! I love everything about a thunderstorm..the colors in the sky, the smell in the air and well to be honest I love dancing in the rain-nothing beats it!
I LOVE Farmer's Markets & downtown Little Rock!
Up until Little Rock I had never been to one but I can totally see the appeal- fresh, homegrown, organic fruits and veggies, all on top of great craft shops- I dig it! :) Plus downtown Little Rock(as I have said before) is pretty awesome! Right on the river, and full of really cool stuff like a kids playground that intertwines together through rock tunnels, a splash area, lots of cool statues & sculptures and pretty eclectic restaurants.
I REALLY LOVE those two! Not sure if you knew that! ;)
Plus going to the Farmer's Market gave me an excuse to put Lily in her lemon dress! :)
Oops.. someone lost a shoe! -
Little Rock was part of the Trail of Tears, so there are tons of these statues down on the riverfront
Part of those rock tunnels I was talking about....They connected to slides, more tunnels etc..coolest playground ever!
Which is a good thing because in just a few more days he will fully belong to us! His name right now at the moment is gorgeous George but our plan is to call him Cash(as in Johnny Cash) but he is gorgeous right?! :) We are getting him from an awesome breeder, Pirates Den Cane Corso based out of Wilmington, North Carolina & working with Jennifer is why I am so in love with this dog, well that and the first time I saw his picture his little face said "I'm yours" ! I have never had that reaction before with a dog, I have always been a cat person but this little guy well I love him; I always told my parents I would own a horse one day! lol So so so excited, and Lily too..I show her his picture everyday, and not only does she say Cash but she points to herself because she knows it is her dog! Smart girl that one! :) Okay one more picture of Cash with his brother and sister (He is the one on the left)
P.s thanks to Matt Engleheart for these photos! :)

I LOVE thunderstorms!!!
Even though sometimes they scare the ever loving daylights out of me, I still find them so peaceful-ironic right? lol It fascinates me that something as dangerous as lightning can be so beautiful at the same time..the way it skids across the water, or crackles in the sky-magical every time! Oh and the sound of rain, who doesn't love the sound of rain? Sleeping in the rain=AhMaZing! I love everything about a thunderstorm..the colors in the sky, the smell in the air and well to be honest I love dancing in the rain-nothing beats it!
I LOVE Farmer's Markets & downtown Little Rock!
Up until Little Rock I had never been to one but I can totally see the appeal- fresh, homegrown, organic fruits and veggies, all on top of great craft shops- I dig it! :) Plus downtown Little Rock(as I have said before) is pretty awesome! Right on the river, and full of really cool stuff like a kids playground that intertwines together through rock tunnels, a splash area, lots of cool statues & sculptures and pretty eclectic restaurants.
I REALLY LOVE those two! Not sure if you knew that! ;)
Plus going to the Farmer's Market gave me an excuse to put Lily in her lemon dress! :)
Oops.. someone lost a shoe! -
Little Rock was part of the Trail of Tears, so there are tons of these statues down on the riverfront

Happy Thursday y'all! :)
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Eve the animals hate Summer..

Can I have ALL of those?
Loved this Momma/baby duo!
And just one more...
This picture was definitely worth a HOT Zoo trip! :)
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