So you remember that post awhile back where I said that I loved Summer...well I am starting to rethink that! lol Despite the fact that we have gotten A LOT of much needed rain here in Little Rock the last few days it is still SO HOT!! I swear I caught a squirrel trying to swim in a rain puddle yesterday...speaking of that we went to the Little Rock Zoo a couple of weeks ago(I know, I know, I am late on posting pics) and the sign in front said "Due to extreme temperatures some of the animals may not be viewable or dead" Okay so I made that last part up but seriously, they weren't kidding..The elephants were inside, the bears, the birds and the rest of them just looked exhausted; even the alligators stayed in the water! All in all we had a great time, and Lily enjoyed herself and the animals she did get to see! So here they are without further ado, a few of our Zoo photos! I really loved this quote..they had tons of really great sayings throughout but this by far was my favorite!
This penguin LOVED her! And I must say it was probably the cutest thing I have ever witnessed..damn should've videotaped it! :(
So DARN ADORABLE! Can I have ALL of those?
Loved this Momma/baby duo!
See what I mean about exhausted looking animals? And just one more...
This picture was definitely worth a HOT Zoo trip! :)
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