Which is a good thing because in just a few more days he will fully belong to us! His name right now at the moment is gorgeous George but our plan is to call him Cash(as in Johnny Cash) but he is gorgeous right?! :) We are getting him from an awesome breeder, Pirates Den Cane Corso based out of Wilmington, North Carolina & working with Jennifer is why I am so in love with this dog, well that and the first time I saw his picture his little face said "I'm yours" ! I have never had that reaction before with a dog, I have always been a cat person but this little guy well I love him; I always told my parents I would own a horse one day! lol So so so excited, and Lily too..I show her his picture everyday, and not only does she say Cash but she points to herself because she knows it is her dog! Smart girl that one! :) Okay one more picture of Cash with his brother and sister (He is the one on the left)
P.s thanks to Matt Engleheart for these photos! :)

I LOVE thunderstorms!!!
Even though sometimes they scare the ever loving daylights out of me, I still find them so peaceful-ironic right? lol It fascinates me that something as dangerous as lightning can be so beautiful at the same time..the way it skids across the water, or crackles in the sky-magical every time! Oh and the sound of rain, who doesn't love the sound of rain? Sleeping in the rain=AhMaZing! I love everything about a thunderstorm..the colors in the sky, the smell in the air and well to be honest I love dancing in the rain-nothing beats it!
I LOVE Farmer's Markets & downtown Little Rock!
Up until Little Rock I had never been to one but I can totally see the appeal- fresh, homegrown, organic fruits and veggies, all on top of great craft shops- I dig it! :) Plus downtown Little Rock(as I have said before) is pretty awesome! Right on the river, and full of really cool stuff like a kids playground that intertwines together through rock tunnels, a splash area, lots of cool statues & sculptures and pretty eclectic restaurants.
I REALLY LOVE those two! Not sure if you knew that! ;)
Plus going to the Farmer's Market gave me an excuse to put Lily in her lemon dress! :)
Oops.. someone lost a shoe! -
Little Rock was part of the Trail of Tears, so there are tons of these statues down on the riverfront

Happy Thursday y'all! :)
That is a seriously cute puppy!! Now you'll never make it down the street if people don't stop to say how beauty Lily is then it'll be to tell you how cute that puppy is!! Good luck Little Rock ;))))