I love this blog piece: http://www.fromdatestodiapers.com/50-rules-for-dads-of-daughters
I especially love number 4: Savor every moment you have together. Today she’s crawling around the house in diapers, tomorrow you’re handing her the keys to the car, and before you know it, you’re walking her down the aisle. Some day soon, hanging out with her old man won’t be the bees knees anymore. Life happens pretty fast. You better cherish it while you can.& the one where it talks about letting her ride on your shoulders which he does quite often-it's her favorite spot! :) The picture above cracks me up..she was sucking on those pearls to the point where drool was falling all over Chad's face, hence the expression and she was checking to make sure he was okay! <3
I love the movie RIO and I should considering I have watched it for the 8,000000000000000000 time today! You would think that by now I would be super over it..but then I look at her little smiling face..or the parts where she dances, and claps and I find myself doing the exact same thing! :) Not to mention, out of all the kids movies I have watched lately it probably is my favorite! This part is my favorite:
That song cracks me up! "Shh, it was him!" lol
I also LOVE that the weekend is almost here!
-Robin is coming to visit and we have a fun filled weekend planned! Pumpkin patch, DC, and trick or treating! I really cannot wait to take Lily out because she can actually do it this year and that is so overwhelmingly exciting! :) Yay for Thursday!
Happy weekend and Happy Halloween!!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Mount Vernon
Saturday we went to Mount Vernon-the home & final resting place of George Washington. That thought did not escape me as we walked around his estate, as Lily ran around on what was once his lawn..what life must have been like when he owned it, what Mount Vernon looked like then..sure there are pictures and much of what belonged to him is still there, in tact(minus a few things that had to be refurbished) but to really BE there..I bet that was something! I think that is why I love History so much, the story behind every thing...every person..Mount Vernon is beautiful, it truly is the most majestic place..one fit for a president that is for sure..and my goodness the views of the river there, breathtaking! Check it out! :)
This really made me sad.. the Slave Burial Ground, there is said to be over 150 bodies located there..all in unmarked graves..heartbreaking to say the least...especially when you take into account the lavishness of George and Martha's grave site..
Lily and I apple-roasting! So good!! Oh and p.s don't you hate when your sweater makes you look like you have 8,000 tummy rolls..ugh!
The stables and the 8-sided barn(re-created to look like the original one George built) which by the way this is not near the house..it is kind of a walk..a lot of the workers(present day) were riding around on golf carts but could you imagine doing it on foot, or horse like back in the day..his property is well over 25,000 square miles!
My little love..who by the way picked out those pearls all by herself! Out of all the shiny things in my jewelry box, these are the ones she chose! :)
She was calling him like a dog..clapping her hands and saying "here dog" Little does she know...ha ha
Playing in the leaves while we waited in line to get into the Mansion
This little boy kept running and jumping into the leaves, and she thought it was just the funniest thing!
Part of the view behind the house..pictures do it no justice! This really made me sad.. the Slave Burial Ground, there is said to be over 150 bodies located there..all in unmarked graves..heartbreaking to say the least...especially when you take into account the lavishness of George and Martha's grave site..
Lily with her Bop pa
Another view of the river...
She was calling him like a dog..clapping her hands and saying "here dog" Little does she know...ha ha
I could post a whole lot more..but I think these will do! :) I definitely recommend going to Mount Vernon..it a beautiful piece of American History worth checking out!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Things I love Thursday!!
I LOVE Chris Cagle!
Next to Chad, and Dwayne Johnson he is the only man for me! ;) I remember the first time I heard the song Laredo on the radio(rhyme much? lol) I thought I like that song..but didn't really pay attention beyond that to who it was...well that all changed the night my friend Brenna and I went to his concert at the Dallas Bull..I immediately fell in love with his stage presence, his songs, and in general the way he treated his fans! Honestly, I've been to some pretty "big name" concerts and not one of them compares to his...it is a shame that he isn't appreciated more in the world of Country music(although his Cagleheads would disagree with me on that) I'm glad to see that he is settled down and in a good place..especially, since I don't think he has had the smoothest time getting there..Anyways he is one of my faves..and I really like this song(I couldn't get the official video to share from CMT's website, bummer) enjoy!
I LOVE this hairstyle!
I love the cut and the color..but I'm not sure I would be able to pull it off since I'm so hair challenged..guess it is time to consult my hairstylist..p.s I really LOVE having one of those in the family! :)
I FREAKING LOVE Melissa McCarthy
& yes she gets a freaking because she is awesome!! I have been a fan of hers since Gilmore Girls days and every time I see her in something she never fails to make me laugh! I of course, LOVED her in Bridesmaids but this post in particular is about her stint on SNL..while all of her skits were pretty hilarious the one about Hidden Valley Ranch really gets me...I couldn't get the video to transfer from NBC(boo) so go to this site and check it out there..you will not be disappointed! http://www.pleasantmorningbuzz.com/blog/1003111 :)
p.s. Did you know she is related to Jenny McCarthy? I just found that out while searching! Cousins, how cool because I love Jenny too!
My LOVE for Pinterest.com is no joke!
It is addicting with a capital A!! On the plus side it has allowed me to find so many great recipes for just about any occasion..breakfast, lunch, dinner, parties, holidays etc...I made this last Sunday
from this website:http://bacontimewiththehungryhypo.blogspot.com/2011/02/beautiful-bacon-egg-cheese-wreath.html
It was both easy and delicious! & I am super excited to make thiis, this weekend! (though it is not a food)
http://tampopopress.blogspot.com/2010/09/ginger-apple-bourbon.html So yummy sounding and so perfect for Fall eh?
P.S. I just realized I went from Breakfast to Bourbon..lol Reminds me of something John Wayne would do! ;)
Next to Chad, and Dwayne Johnson he is the only man for me! ;) I remember the first time I heard the song Laredo on the radio(rhyme much? lol) I thought I like that song..but didn't really pay attention beyond that to who it was...well that all changed the night my friend Brenna and I went to his concert at the Dallas Bull..I immediately fell in love with his stage presence, his songs, and in general the way he treated his fans! Honestly, I've been to some pretty "big name" concerts and not one of them compares to his...it is a shame that he isn't appreciated more in the world of Country music(although his Cagleheads would disagree with me on that) I'm glad to see that he is settled down and in a good place..especially, since I don't think he has had the smoothest time getting there..Anyways he is one of my faves..and I really like this song(I couldn't get the official video to share from CMT's website, bummer) enjoy!
I LOVE this hairstyle!
I love the cut and the color..but I'm not sure I would be able to pull it off since I'm so hair challenged..guess it is time to consult my hairstylist..p.s I really LOVE having one of those in the family! :)
I FREAKING LOVE Melissa McCarthy
& yes she gets a freaking because she is awesome!! I have been a fan of hers since Gilmore Girls days and every time I see her in something she never fails to make me laugh! I of course, LOVED her in Bridesmaids but this post in particular is about her stint on SNL..while all of her skits were pretty hilarious the one about Hidden Valley Ranch really gets me...I couldn't get the video to transfer from NBC(boo) so go to this site and check it out there..you will not be disappointed! http://www.pleasantmorningbuzz.com/blog/1003111 :)
p.s. Did you know she is related to Jenny McCarthy? I just found that out while searching! Cousins, how cool because I love Jenny too!
My LOVE for Pinterest.com is no joke!
It is addicting with a capital A!! On the plus side it has allowed me to find so many great recipes for just about any occasion..breakfast, lunch, dinner, parties, holidays etc...I made this last Sunday
from this website:http://bacontimewiththehungryhypo.blogspot.com/2011/02/beautiful-bacon-egg-cheese-wreath.html
It was both easy and delicious! & I am super excited to make thiis, this weekend! (though it is not a food)
http://tampopopress.blogspot.com/2010/09/ginger-apple-bourbon.html So yummy sounding and so perfect for Fall eh?
P.S. I just realized I went from Breakfast to Bourbon..lol Reminds me of something John Wayne would do! ;)
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
In love with Fall!
This whole Fall thing is still pretty new to me,considering I was born and raised in Florida..where Fall is well..pretty non-existent! BUT I love it! The colors..I cannot get over the colors! I love watching the colors on the leaves change, as if the Lord is slowly painting a picture..for example,just last week I took this photo of the campground we are staying at in Virginia..
I could post these photos all day!!
This weekend we are going to Mount Vernon's Fall festival and I am so excited! The website says they are having hay rides, apple roasting!, corn husk doll making(I still don't know what that means but I'm excited!) and so much more! I can't wait to take Lily and get some good Fall photos of her! I just love Fall..in case that wasn't clear! :) Happy Wednesday y'all!
What I love most about Fall though(besides football) is the opportunity to do all the "Fall activities" with Lily like taking her to a pumpkin patch or apple picking! I am excited to try apple cider, maybe while taking in a campfire and S'mores(I love S'mores!!) I can't wait to buy boots & wear scarfs..since all I own are heels, flip-flops and sneakers! I love running outside while the wind blows, it's magical! :) I love the smells of Fall too..cinnamon, pumpkin pies baking, crisp apples, etc..I can't wait to take Lily trick or treating! I just love Fall!!! Plus, I am convinced that Fall is the prettiest season..take a look at these photos and decide for yourself! :)
I could post these photos all day!!
This weekend we are going to Mount Vernon's Fall festival and I am so excited! The website says they are having hay rides, apple roasting!, corn husk doll making(I still don't know what that means but I'm excited!) and so much more! I can't wait to take Lily and get some good Fall photos of her! I just love Fall..in case that wasn't clear! :) Happy Wednesday y'all!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Run the World Girls
I love Beyonce! I blame my cousin Julie who forced me to sit through one of B's tour videos..okay so maybe she didn't force me but before watching it I just "liked" Beyonce, now I'm a bonafide fan! :) A majority of why I love her has nothing to do with her music ..although listening to Bootylicious instantly puts me in a better mood..I love her because she is a curvy woman, beautiful,strong and she exudes confidence; which to me is the sexiest thing about her! As for her music, I love her girl-power, love yourself message she puts in every song, and as I mentioned above Bootylicious is my favorite song..it might be kind of silly but I love the message..I got jelly and I ain't afraid to use it! Or something along those lines! lol
In a way this post is the second part of this blog that I wrote back in May http://100citiesababy.blogspot.com/2011/05/things-i-love-thursday_19.html
for all the curvy girls, normal girls, girls who have been told their whole lives how to look, what to weigh, etc. I'm re-posting this message because after talking with a friend the other night I went to bed with a heavy heart because this beautiful girl doubted her worth, and it made me sad..So this is for her, for anyone who thinks they should "fix" themselves..LOVE who you are, what you've been given, because the biggest message is that God doesn't make mistakes!
God I love her!
Eva Mendes Christina Hendricks
My hardcore love for Miranda Lambert is not a secret 

Sofia Vergara might be the worlds hottest woman..seriously!!
These women are all talented,curvy, beautiful..and women who have been targeted at one point or another for what they look like! Do you remember how beautiful Kate Winslet was in Titanic? Yet, afterwards the only thing people wrote about in magazines was how fat she was..how the part should have gone to a skinnier actress...My point is that just like us "normal" girls, the women above have doubted themselves..yet their confidence outweighs the bad days and that shows in the way they carry themselves! Confidence is an uphill battle..but it is a battle worth fighting! I found this awesome website with a bunch of self loving quotes..check it out and read it everyday, everyday until you believe the words! http://www.abundancetapestry.com/self-love-series-101-loving-yourself-quotes/
You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”
- Buddha
- Buddha
-Find the love you seek, by first finding the love within yourself. Learn to rest in that place within you that is your true home.”- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
-Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.”
- Veronica A. Shoffstall
- Veronica A. Shoffstall
one last one...
-“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.”
- Maya Angelou
- Maya Angelou
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Well not in the way you might think..thank goodness! My computer died this week..as in officially..as in taking all of my schoolwork for the last year with it! Yeah..CRASH! :/ I guess in a sense it was a lesson learned: save all of your stuff on a USB drive in case of emergencies! I knew it would happen eventually as it was 4 years old, and I inherited it from Chad..or took it from him (that is still up for debate! lol) Anyways..I kept putting off getting a new one because that thing was my baby..all of my favorites saved, pictures(which luckily are already on a flash drive, phew), my schoolwork, links to my favorite or previously viewed sites etc.. I didn't really want a fancier model..I liked the comfort of my own! & yes I do realize I am talking about a computer as if I am in love with it..but in a way I kind of was! :( At the moment I am using Chads and researching which laptop I should get next because to me this is like buying a car...for someone who depends on a computer for school this is an important choice! So if YOU have any suggestions I would be happy to hear them! :)
On a brighter note...we went into DC this weekend with Bill and the weather was SO nice! Nothing makes a day better than good weather I say! :) We got to see the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial and it was unbelievable! It was larger than life(as he was in real life) and the outpouring of appreciation there, the different walks of life coming together to celebrate that man was pretty incredible! We didn't do too much this time but we'll head back again when Robin comes to visit so until then enjoy these photos! :)
Franklin D. Roosevelt memorial..she was not sure about that dog! lol As you can clearly see in the photo! :)
Side view of the Jefferson Memorial
The way his figure just rises from the stone is beautiful, symbolic.
It is amazing how his words are still so prevalent to today's world!
The Flight and Space museum..we were only in here about 15minutes before the entire building was evacuated and cops charged in...initially thinking it was a bomb threat, we later found out that a group of protesters( not associated with Occupy) stormed into the museum to protest, pinning a security guard to the wall before being maced! Crazy! Luckily we were nowhere close to that area when it happened because tons of innocent tourists ended up getting mace all over them and I couldn't imagine if that happened to Lily! :(
Lily lost her diamond earring(just one, I'm saving the other) in DC so we had to stop and get new ones...and I love them! :)
So that is our DC trip..our second time there..a year after taking Lily for the first time! Although I can say without a doubt, this time was way more eventful! lol
On a brighter note...we went into DC this weekend with Bill and the weather was SO nice! Nothing makes a day better than good weather I say! :) We got to see the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial and it was unbelievable! It was larger than life(as he was in real life) and the outpouring of appreciation there, the different walks of life coming together to celebrate that man was pretty incredible! We didn't do too much this time but we'll head back again when Robin comes to visit so until then enjoy these photos! :)
The way his figure just rises from the stone is beautiful, symbolic.
It is amazing how his words are still so prevalent to today's world!
You can start to see some of the Occupy DC protesters
Whatever your opinion on this..watching it in action is an incredible sight!
Lily lost her diamond earring(just one, I'm saving the other) in DC so we had to stop and get new ones...and I love them! :)
So that is our DC trip..our second time there..a year after taking Lily for the first time! Although I can say without a doubt, this time was way more eventful! lol
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